Wednesday 3 January 2018

Manthan 2018 - Day One

So I am here at my University - Sri Sri University :)
Why? To Organise Manthan 2018.
Whats that? :)

In the midst of all the planning, organising, meeting deadlines, so many realisations are happening :) 

Things I realised today while organising the 1st day of Manthan 2018! 

1. In the midst of 100 positive things, the mind clinges on to the negative. As Guruji said, to change this tendency of the mind is Abhyasa. I am happy about this awareness. I am seeing myself receiving positive and negative. I am ready and willing to surrender both :) 
2. Without remembering Him, there is no love in life. 
3. When you are working for a big project, the mind is in the present moment, and you stretch your capabilities. 
4. Everything is just. Happening. Today in Sadhana I realised thoughts arise in me, move in me, become the will to act, and then things happen. 
5. My mind is not stuck in so many events - it's just here in the present moment. 
6. Solutions to so called problems in life is utter commitment to a higher goal. 
7. I am proud of my smile. 
8. There is abundance of Grace moving with me.. making things happen :) And I am here, watching everything, and chilling :)